Truly effective ITAM initiatives are the exclusive domain of prosperous enterprises in developed countries.The reasons for my perspective? How do we create & support a professional framework that few enterprises and individual practitioners can genuinely afford? The typically available of solutions, best practices, and options for managing business technology assets are altogether too costly to purchase, implement, train for, and maintain for the vast majority of enterprises that genuinely need the results. Some of these standardized solutions are so complex to implement and manage that most enterprises have neither the in-house talent nor the consulting budget to get them operational, let alone managed on a day-to-day basis.
What's more, many of the so-called ITAM best practices on the market today are kept within a serious proprietary strangle-hold by suppliers or groups that have locked them down via copyright or business process patents.
Don't believe me? Simply go out and price an end-to-end ITAM or SAM solution for your enterprise. (You can't afford it.)It's my mission, and the mission of The Institute for Technology Asset Management to over-turn this self-serving trend and put business technology asset management and software asset management back into the hands of the average ITAM and SAM practitioner - accessible for the average enterprise. We're focusing on building a credible profession of software asset managers, IT asset managers, and IT portfolio managers. Our core deliverables are long term and strategic in nature: the cost-effective, common sense-based professional development processes, procedures, and best practices that can be used by a majority of enterprises, in a majority of industries, in a majority of countries around the globe - without the crippling budget hits.
It may take us a while but, with the support of practicing asset managers, and the enterprises who are searching for qualified professionals in the ITAM/TAM/SAM and TPM fields, we think our comprehensive approach is the one that the profession desperately needs. Care to join us?