Friday, August 3, 2012

SaaS - Software as a Service is a Deadly Vortex

And, like many vortexes, an intelligent individual is best served by clearly understanding the risks before diving in. The true bottom line behind Software as a Service is that:
SaaS represents your complete lack of control over your access to the products and data you use to manage your business.
Think it through. When we possessed the software products locally we could utilize those products and access our data at any time and, as long as we remained within license terms, in any manner we wished. We were not locked in to the availability of Internet access or the good graces of a service provider. We had a perpetual license, meaning we paid a single initial fee to use the product for an unlimited amount of time. SaaS will end these options and lock us in to a single source.

Once you have moved to SaaS, you will be paying a yearly rental fee on the products - one that can be changed at any time. The Service Provider will control a high percentage of your access and your ability (or lack of ability) to connect to the Internet will control the remaining access. What's more, if you have any disagreement with your service provider, they can shut you down with the flip of a virtual switch.

Want to hear more? Consider watching and listening to this short Flash overview of an Institute on-demand Knowledge Briefing covering SaaS & Cloud Services. The introductory session is only a few minutes long and includes excerpts from a live software asset management professional development discussion.

You can link to the session HERE. If the content resonates with you, feel free to contact us about the on-demand asset management training programs at The Institute for Technology Asset Management.