Friday, March 12, 2010

Are You Watching the Secret ACTA Debacle?

Are you a business owner? An executive manager? Are you at all concerned about external controls over your business technologies? Does it bother you that your children have become easy audit targets for copyright compliance sharp practices?
Well, here's yet another threat to your so-called "peaceful use" options for literally any technology that can be covered under copyright laws. Even the European Parliament is threatening the European Union with legal action if the drafting group doesn't quit hiding details to the agreement.
Yet another draconian copyright law... Written in secret so the consumers won't understand until it's too late. Wonder what they're working so very hard to hide?
The ultra-secret Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) is multinational in scope and continues to cruise under the radar of virtually everyone except a select number of copyright holder representatives.

As usual, this one is being instigated by the same folks who gave us the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), the No Electronic Theft Act (NETAct), the Super Digital Millennium Copyright Acts (SDMCA), and who did their best to shove the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act (UCITA) down our collective throats.

As I continue to suggest:
"If you don't wake up and become clearly aware of copyright reform activities, you will soon find out that what is being done isn't being done FOR you, it's being done TO you!"
And, yes, you should be pulling that blanket up over your eyes.

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